On the transport of finiteness structures

Lionel Vaux, LDP, IML. 20 octobre 2011 10:00 limd 2:00:00

Finiteness spaces were introduced by Ehrhard as a model of linear logic, which relied on a finitess property of the standard relational interpretation and allowed to reformulate Girard's quantitative semantics in a simple, linear algebraic setting. I will review recent results obtained in a joint work with Christine Tasson, providing a very simple and generic construction of finiteness spaces: basically, one can ``transport'' a finiteness structure along any relation mapping finite sets to finite sets. Moreover, this construction is functorial under mild hypotheses, satisfied by the interpretations of all the positive connectives of linear logic. Recalling that the definition of finiteness spaces follows a standard orthogonality technique, fitting in the categorical framework established by Hyland and Schalk, I will show that the features of transport do not stand on the same level as the orthogonality category construction; rather, they provide a simpler and more direct characterization of the obtained structure, in a webbed setting. PS: Although I have slides (in english) ready for this presentation, it is best enjoyed in its chalk and blackboard version so I will stick to the latter.