Symplectomorphism group and Lagrangian isotopy problem for spheres in rational 4-manifold

Vsevolod Shevchishin, Hamburg. 16 octobre 2009 10:15 geo 2:00:00

Let (X,\omega) be blown-up CP^2 equipped with some symplectic form. I show that Lagrangian isotopy classes of spheres in (X,\omega) can be indexed by conjugacy classes of certain generators in the group G of connected components of the symplectomorphism group of (X,\omega). Then I show that this group is isomorphic to the fundamental group G of the complement to certain divisor D in (Cp^2)^k parametrising certain constellations of k points in CP^2. I describe a presentation of the group G and compute it for certain special case. As the result, I show that for a special choice of the Kähler form in CP^2 blown-up in 5 points the Lagrangian isotopy classes of spheres representing a given homology class are paramtrized by integer 2x2-matrices in Gl(2,Z) conjugated to the matrix
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